AI Chatbot for your business by ResolveAI

A third time’s the charm update for a seamless start

It is Friday and it means it is time for some product updates! Our team has been working hard to bring you the best possible experience. Here are the latest improvements.

Summary of Changes

Features and Improvements:

  1. 🔄✨ Refined Onboarding
  2. ❓🔍 Unresolved Requests
  3. 🛠️🌟 Fixes and Improvements

🔄✨ Refined Onboarding

Hey there! You know, they say the third time’s the charm, and that’s exactly what we’re hoping for with our latest onboarding update.

We’ve been closely monitoring and, guess what? We realized that many of you were facing challenges while writing prompts. So, guess what we did? We eliminated the need for you to write one! That’s right, now all you have to do is pick what you want the agent to do. Simple, right? And hey, we get it – our chatbot form can seem like a giant puzzle for first-timers.

But, with this new change, diving in should feel like a breeze! So go on, give it a whirl and get started without a second thought. 🚀🎉

❓🔍 Unresolved Requests v2

A massive shoutout to our awesome community – that’s YOU! Thanks to your invaluable feedback, we’ve fine-tuned and beefed up our unresolved requests identification pipeline.

What does this mean for you? Well, our AI just got smarter at detecting those tricky questions it previously couldn’t tackle. So those unresolved queries? They’re about to get a lot less frequent. This improvement is truly a testament to the power of our community’s feedback. A big, hearty thank you for helping us make strides in our mission to serve you better! 🙏🎉

🛠️🌟 Fixes and Improvements

Alright, folks, it’s that time again: housekeeping updates! 🧹

First up, remember that pesky issue where the message read event would sometimes go a bit overboard and trigger way too often? Yep, we’ve squashed that bug. No more server throttling dramas there! 🐛💥

Next, signing up? We’ve refined the process to clearly flag up any hiccups, so you’ll know exactly where things might’ve gone awry.

And lastly, but by no means least, our AI Agent got a bit of a tune-up. Say goodbye to those dreaded infinite execution loops. We’re always on the lookout to iron out the kinks and make things smoother for you. As always, keep the feedback coming and let’s keep making things better, together! 🤝🚀

Your feedback is the driving force behind our product improvements, so keep it coming! We’re always eager to hear your suggestions and ideas to make our platform even better. 💡🚀

Thank you for choosing ResolveAI!

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