AI Chatbot for your business by ResolveAI

Elevate user experience with chat embed now live

Summary of Changes

Features and Improvements:

  1. 🗨️💻 Embed Chat in your Website
  2. 🔄📝 Improved Response Streaming
  3. 🔍🛠️ Fixed Issue with Search Request Hanging
  4. 🌐🔑 API Access: Early Access Onboarding!

🗨️💻 Embed Chat in your Website

We’re thrilled to announce a feature that many of you have been asking for—Chat Embed is now live! By popular demand, we’ve simplified the way you can incorporate a chat interface directly into your website. This new feature aims to make real-time communication a seamless part of your user experience, turning your website into a dynamic platform for engagement.

To get started, simply head over to the chatbot form within your dashboard and scroll down—you’ll find the embed script at the bottom. Copy it, paste it into your website’s HTML, and voila! You now have an integrated chat feature to better serve and engage your customers.

🔄📝 Improved Response Streaming

We’ve addressed the issue of inconsistent text sequencing that some of you were experiencing. In the past, our streaming feature occasionally resulted in scrambled text, causing communication breakdowns and a suboptimal user experience. With our latest update, you can now enjoy improved response streaming that maintains a consistent text sequence.

This ensures that all messages are received in the order they are sent, eliminating any past glitches that caused disarray. We’re committed to making our platform as robust and user-friendly as possible, and we believe this update takes us another step in that direction.

🔍🛠️ Fixed Issue with Search Request Hanging

We’re excited to share that we’ve resolved a particularly elusive issue that was causing the chatbot to hang during certain search requests. We understand how frustrating this was for our users, and we appreciate your patience as we tackled this complex problem. Our dedicated team worked tirelessly to identify and fix the glitch, ensuring a smoother, more reliable search experience moving forward.

I have explained my frustration and what was the root issue in tweet here.

Your experience matters to us, and we’re committed to continual improvements to make our platform the best it can be.

🌐🔑 API Access: Early Access Onboarding!

Exciting times ahead! We’re thrilled to announce that we’re beginning the slow roll-out of early access to our API, allowing you to interact programmatically with chatbots that you create on ResolveAI. This opens the door to a world of possibilities, from automating specific tasks to integrating your chatbots into your existing systems.

If you’re interested in getting early access, the process is simple: Send us an email answering just one question—How do you plan to utilize the ResolveAI API? That’s it!

This early access period is an excellent opportunity for you to shape the API’s features, so don’t hesitate to get involved.

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