AI Chatbot for your business by ResolveAI

Introducing visitor information collection for improved user interaction

It is Friday March 31 and it means it is time for some product updates! Our team has been working hard to bring you the best possible experience. Here are the latest improvements.

🧐 + 📝 Collect user info

We are excited to announce a new update to our chatbot that provides our clients with the ability to collect visitor information before initiating a chat. This update will allow us to reach out to users who asked questions but left before receiving an answer, providing a better experience for our users. Initially, we will be collecting the visitor’s name and email, which should be sufficient for follow-up purposes. However, we are continuously exploring the ability to collect more information to enhance our user experience.

We have also updated chat conversation box to include user information in it.

🌐 + 📥 + 💻 Website import

We are pleased to announce an enhancement to our documentation import feature, which now allows users to split each website route into a separate document instead of storing everything in a single document. This will provide our users with a more efficient and organized way to manage their imported documentation.

In addition, we have made improvements to our handling of bad URLs. Our system will now skip URLs that lead nowhere or return something other than a web page, ensuring that only valid and relevant content is imported into our users’ documentation.

We are committed to continuously improving our product and delivering the best experience possible for our users.

🏗 Work in Progress

1. Help desk integrations
Some time ago we sent out a “Product Improvement Form” to our clients to better understand how we can help them make ResolveAI integrate smoothly with their current help desk flow. As a result, we are working on making it easier to create and submit new tickets to customer support help desks like HelpScout or Zendesk.

2. Improve Onboarding experience
We are constantly striving to improve our clients’ experience with our product. One of the key pieces of feedback we have received is that newly signed up clients can feel lost without proper guidance. While we currently provide step-by-step instructions in our blog, we recognize the need for a more intuitive and personalized approach.

We are excited to announce that we are currently working on an onboarding UI that will guide users through the creation of their first chatbot in a seamless and user-friendly manner. Our goal is to provide our users with a more intuitive and personalized experience, allowing them to get the most out of our product from the very beginning.

3. Refine landing page
Our landing page needs some love we are working on an updated version with more use case examples and a better crisp look!

We hope you enjoy these updates and as always, please feel free to reach out to our support team with any questions or feedback.

Thank you for choosing ResolveAI!

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